Meet Our Team of Preferred Automotive Specialists
- Our team at Preferred Automotive Specialists in Philadelphia, PA has over 230 years of combined automotive experience to serve you! ORGANIZATION, DISCIPLINE, EDUCATION & SUPERB CUSTOMER SERVICE is why our customers love us and keep coming back. We are large enough to serve you...small enough to know you.

Joseph M. Palermo
Joseph M. Palermo, President - Joe is a hands on owner with over 45 years of experience in the automotive industry.
- Masters Emissions Technician
- Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers

Thomas M. Palermo
Thomas M. Palermo, VP / General Manager - Tom has over 25 years of educational and hands-on experience in the automotive business.
- Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State University
- AIAA/ASE World Class Technician
- 2015 NAPA/ASE Technician of the Year
- 2011 Best Tech Of The Year - Sponsored by Wix Filters
- Master Automobile Technician / Certified ASE Advanced Level Technician ( L1/L2)
- Certified ASE Alternative Fuels Technician
- Certified ASE Transit Bus Technician
- Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers
- NAPA Auto Care Advisory Board
- PENNCO Tech Advisory Board

David Fox
David Fox, Shop Manager - Dave has been with our company for more than 30 years and his number one priority is customer satisfaction.
- ASE Certified Automotive Technician
- ASE Service Consultant
- AAA 5 Diamond Certified
Our technicians are ASE Certified with over 230 years of combined automotive experience.
Our Staff Certifications Include:
- A/C Delco Master Technician Status
- A.S.E. Master Technician Certification
- A.S.E. L1 and L2 Advanced Diagnostics Certifications
- Member, Society of Automotive Engineers
- Keystone AAA Preferred Status
- Keystone AAA 5 Diamond Award Winner
- A.S.E. Medium and Heavy Truck Technician Certifications
- Commercial Drivers Licenses for medium and large trucks and buses for diagnostic and pickup & delivery purposes
- Hybrid Vehicle Certifications
- State Inspection License for all size vehicles
- Emissions Inspection License with Master and waiver Status
- Enhanced Inspection License for Trailer Inspection and Reconstructed Vehicles